Megaman Battle Network Chip Combos
Full general/Multiple Games
- In general, there are 2 chips that are agreed to be the most game-irresolute fries in the series:
- The first is Surface area Grab, which steals an entire row from your opponent, giving y'all more space and restricting enemy movement. Information technology also lets yous make improve use of brusk-range attacks. Such is its utility that Area Take hold of * is perceived equally one of the all-time fries in the unabridged game.
- Full Custom instantly fills the Custom Gauge, letting y'all immediately access new chips afterwards expending what you've loaded. It e'er comes in *-code then it goes into any binder. In multiplayer, information technology forces an opponent with unexpended chips to consider discarding them for a new hand.
This chip was an even bigger problem in the second game, where it debuted, as the player could put FIVE of them in their folder, allowing the histrion to demolish bosses past unloading Program Advances in quick succession. Its MB requirement was besides very low, allowing anyone to use it as a Regular Chip without needing to search for many RegUp items. Later games rebalanced information technology by both increasing the MB requirement and allowing the histrion to merely run 1 copy of information technology in whatever folder.
- Anti-harm. In that location are several fries of this type, merely each are specific counters to types of chips (Anti-burn down, anti-forest, even Anti-navi and Anti-recover), but as the name implies, Anti-damage volition counter Any source of damage. By which we mean information technology negates the set on and fires back with a near instantaneous barrage of virtually-undodgeable shurikens. BN3'south Anti-impairment fired off 3 shurikens for 100 harm each, and these fries were UNLIMITED. It was nerfed in later games to only throw i, and made so some attacks could featherbed information technology, but still a respectable chip in its own right.
- Prism. Any non-breaker attack that hitting it will be reflected to all spaces effectually it. This made information technology easier to aim attacks as you just had to striking a stationary object if y'all managed to land the prism in the middle of the opponent'south field. Problem is, it also turned attacks that striking a wide area into multi-hit attacks that accept all the hits register at the aforementioned exact fourth dimension. The way information technology worked is if you hit the opponent but the attack also hit the prism, the opponent would have impairment from the hit AND the impairment from the splash impairment reflected on to them. This finer doubled damage and was used well with LifeSword, DoubleHero (which turned a Game-Breaker into a Game Destroyer) and was the basis for Disco-Inferno, a chip philharmonic that utilized the normally boilerplate Heat Spread Program Accelerate.
The idea was, every bit a spreading attack, it would hit the opponent for 300 damage, with another 300 from the prism. Couple that with Grass Stage and y'all instead deal 600 damage with 600 reflected back, leading to 1200 damage instantly. If the opponent is weak to fire, so the first hit is doubled, having 1200 impairment with 600 reflected back, leading to 1800 damage. If you're playing multiplayer, very rarely will you lot observe someone who has more than this, and if y'all do, there'south a loftier chance they won't be much trouble anyway.
- Multi-striking attacks can get quite powerful considering Atk-boosting chips boost every unmarried hit - more hits will multiply the overall damage boost. When it comes to chips that do many weak hits, stacking boosts on them will effect in damage that can shred bosses. This only got emphasized with the introduction of Color/Double Betoken annotation Sacrifices your front row's panels for +10 or +twenty Atk per panel to the next chip and Total Synchro to dilate any multi-hit chip. The following are notable examples across many games, merely nearly chip-based Game Breakers detailed farther below are this in one form or another.
- Tornado (2nd game and across) is a humble standard chip that does 8 twenty-impairment hits. The bones strategy of adding boosts applies, but the third game onward introduce terrain that doubles the damage of the Tornado, after applying boosts. This also stacks with Total Synchro.
- The 6th game adds some other chemical element to the philharmonic — Air Wheel. This sends out a pocket-size turbine that hits a relatively wide area but does non hit many times, but hit the turbine with things like a Tornado, and it volition deal that many more hits, in addition to the base attack.
- The Silverish Bullet combo involves using attack boosting chips (And optionally a stunning scrap) with one of the Vulcan Fries. Now, with your standard Vulcan chip (3 10-damage shots) this isn't so bad... but later in the game y'all can obtain a Mega Fleck known every bit the Super Vulcan (twelve shots) and they had the Color Signal chip mentioned above. And every shot doesn't allow for mercy invincibility, and stuns the victim long enough for the side by side shot to hit. With Double Point, that'southward approximately lxx harm per shot, which is 840 damage with ii chips. This is commonly augmented with the double damage bonus from Total Synchro. For those non adept with Counter Hits, certain transformations will happily provide the x2 multiplier:
- BN2 this combo existed in the grade of the Program Advance, Arrows notation Double Needle + Triple Needle + Quadruple Needle C or I, which fires 10 arrows each doing 100 damage per striking earlier damage modifications were factored. It is technically the true origin of the silver bullet philharmonic. A notable affair to mention is that BN2 is the only game that immune you to use more than one Atk+xxx fleck in their binder (all sequential entries made Atk+thirty a Mega bit — preventing y'all from having more than one of them in your folder), meaning that two of these added to the PA increases the individual harm to 160 per arrow, or 1600 total harm. Nigh bosses in BN2, even most V3 bosses, rarely had more than 2000 wellness, so getting off ii of these effectively ends the fight.
- BN3 has the Bubbleman NaviChip, which had the benefit of doing Aqua damage, benefiting from Navi AND Aqua boosting chips, and to meridian it all off freezes fourth dimension, ensuring that all the hits land at in one case. Many folders take been built around stacking every bit much harm into a Bubbleman bit, then unleashing it to shred the target's health.
- In BN4, Metallic Soul'southward flake accuse power allows a neutral chip to do double damage and gain the Breaking attribute, letting the combo work without needing to trigger Full Synchro. Is it any wonder Break-type souls were nerfed afterwards this game to stop affecting neutral chips?
- In BN5, Gyro Soul'southward strongest power allows a non-dimming Air current chip (even the humble Air Shot) to become its propeller spinning, doubling the strength of the adjacent wind or neutral bit used. Not but does this work with the Silver Bullet combo, but it too gets cracking synergy with folders built around Tornado.
- Several Program Advances tin can striking a ridiculous amount of times, which makes them a great candidate for this strategy. Look no farther than Deux Hero or 2x Hero, which hit the entire enemy field upwards to x times at 70 damage apiece; Babysitter, which can striking 10 or 18 times, depending on the source game; or the infamous Gater (detailed further below). Infinite Vulcan is an exception: despite it hitting an impressive 24 times, it cannot be boosted this manner due to the chip pick rules.
- The moment the Number Lotto becomes available (third game onwards), yous can immediately brainstorm putting in all the number codes that you've jotted down (or learned online) to get several powerful chips or power ups way before the game expects y'all to have them. This comes to a peak in Double Team DS where ane of the chips obtainable in this fasion is a undercover Giga chip that hits the entire enemy area for 500 damage - enough to 1-shot every virus come across. notation The game does provide the code by itself, but the NPC that does so only appears afterwards you lot've finished the Bonus Dungeon.
- The Super Armor NaviCust plan stops Mega Man from flinching, meaning only outright paralysis can stun him. Non only does this terminate enemies from interrupting your attacks and permit you to perform nether heavy fire, information technology likewise prevents y'all from losing Busting Rank from getting hit, meaning that, unless y'all get paralyzed, you're given a Busting Rank of five at minimum for each boxing.
- Program Advances are substantially a form of a Combination Assail, converting 3 or more than specific chips in a certain gild into a very stiff attack, whose sum is greater than its parts. For example, using Sword, Wide Sword, and Long Sword individually would let you deal a total of 240 damage if you lot go all three chips to connect. Combine them into the Life Sword Plan Advance and you instead get a BFS that covers a large expanse and deals 400 impairment. Some Plan Advances are so strong that entire folders get built around them, and virtually transformations that requite set on bonuses also explicitly do not broaden Program Advances. As they got normally exploited, the 5th and 6th games saw it fit to nerf them such that a player tin can just form i copy of a Program Advance per battle.
Battle Network
- The first game has pretty much any flake that deals ≥100 impairment, a much bottom example. The reason is that enemies rarely had wellness over 250 HP, and bosses capped out at 1000. Non to mention, all the upgrades for your standard chips like Cannon and Shockwave would have 120 and 100 damage respectively - and Dynawave was quite fast.
- Fighter/Knight/Hero Sword had a actually long range and hit for a good amount of harm, merely what also sells it was that in the first game you can put 10 copies of whatsoever 1 bit into your folder. Throw in Protoman chips and you also go to put together the 2x Hero Plan Accelerate, that hits the entire enemy field for a total of 400 damage. If you've built a folder around those chips and the Program Advance, you've also got a very streamlined B-lawmaking folder.
- The South code is well-stocked with strong chips. Dynawave, Fighter Sword, AreaGrab, BigBomb, and Dynamite 1 all belonged to that lawmaking, as well as SharkMan, StoneMan, SkullMan, and ShadowMan. The abundance of S-named Navis in this game led to the remake, Operation Shooting star, assign different scrap codes to them.
- Guts Shoot is easy to construct since it uses Guard and Dash Assault alongside Gutsman, all of which are easily obtained early in the game. It does 500 damage to one enemy on the row you are standing on. Consider that bosses max out at 1000 HP...
- In Operate: Shooting Star, the ability to play as Geo Stelar replaces the Burn down, Aqua, and Woods Armors. While he comes late in the game, only becoming playable after defeating ElecMan, his ability to use both a Shield to negate most hits and the Mega Attack, an ability originally introduced in Boxing Network six as part of that game's super fashion, makes him significantly more bonny of an option than the default MegaMan.EXE due to making several powerful chips with small range more usable. The only matter that Hub has over Geo is a stronger charged shot, but chips are always more effective for fighting enemies. It says a a lot well-nigh how skillful Mega Human Geo is when MagicMan, a boss notorious in the original game for being far harder than the game'due south actual concluding boss due to camping in the very back column while his continuously respawning minions wail on you, is finer neutered thanks to Geo'south unique skills.
Boxing Network 2
- Certain attacks are considered game-breaking and thus frowned upon in i-on-one NetBattles.
- The legendary case is Gater, a Program Advance that deals 900 harm (before boosting, this Summon-type Program Accelerate hits all hostile targets nine times each for 100 impairment a hit, and Assail Plus fries raise the impairment of each private striking, so Attack Plus 10 boosts it to 990 damage, Plus xx to 1080, and Plus 30 to 1170), freezes time, and hits everywhere. Once you gain gratuitous reign to explore and jack in at Netopia, you can notice a merchant who sells 2 parts of that Program Advance in *-code (Wind and Fan *-lawmaking fries), and the *-code for the last bit can be easily obtained from the Super Bit Trader, too in Netopia. The terminal piece of the PA, Gateman.EXE's Navi Fleck, can be caused from battling Mr Match in several places in the game, and it eventually becomes possible to rematch him repeatedly, assuasive you lot to field a binder loaded with a total set of 4 Winds, 4 Fans, and four Gateman chips (and yes, all versions of Gateman work for the Program Accelerate, from V1 to V3).
- Battle Network 2 had several other powerful Program Advances. Life Sword 3 had its components all easily obtainable in *-code and then information technology tin be used anywhere (although these just appear in the Bonus Dungeon). Bodyguard dealt eighteen 100-impairment hits (before boosting), allowing it to singlehandedly destroy most bosses at once. UltraBomb (LilBomb+CrossBomb+BigBomb) hit a 3x3 area for 400 damage, croaky all panels inside, and pierced armor meaning that not even Dominerds were safe.
- Battle Network 2 is notorious for the Darkness (DarkMessiah in Japan) PA (Bass V3 10 + AntiNavi X + Whatsoever Gospel chip X), where Gospel appears and uses his dark jiff on the forepart and middle columns of the enemy'due south side of the field. If anything survived the initial onslaught, Bass would attack the back column. The kicker? Both attacks did 3000 damage each. The first attack alone is enough to kill the final boss himself in ane hit— and it pierces shields, then you lot don't even have to look for him to open up his mouth! Nonetheless this was actually balanced out past the fact the Gospel chips were subconscious, event-only chips that never saw official release outside of Nihon, and then this PA was unobtainable without hacking... until the virtual panel release of Battle Network 2, which made available the effect chips (plus the hush-hush chips obtained through netbattles) by simply accessing the Network option in the game, in bounty for the lack of connectivity between cartidges, so take fun with that.
- The ToadMan navi chip from the second game. Back and so, yous could take upwards to 5 of the same Navi chips, every bit long as you just have, at most 5 (or 8 with Squad Style) Navi fries in your folder. The ToadMan chip stuns and tracks the target. Basically, y'all can spam them over and over once again, and put in some philharmonic extending chip in the centre of ToadMan spam. Oh, and one of the chips from T code (ToadMan's code) is Tornado variants.
- SnakeMan from the second game. Like shooting fish in a barrel to set up up (some Area Grabbing, Geddon for holes), massive damage especially later on boost, and it doesn't give Mercy Invincibility upon hitting. It is, alongside Gater, considered the easiest and cheapest binder to option upwardly and kill bosses.
- The Japanese version of EXE2 also had a game-breaking glitch: Throwing a ForestBomb on a Prism would result in neither object disappearing afterward the hit; instead, the ForestBomb would repeatedly striking the Prism, which would then deflect the hit onto the surrounding 8 panels. This worked especially well on bosses.
- A like glitch exists with Prism and VarSword. Basically, in 2, VarSword's shockwave is multiplied v times when it hits the Prism. With some surface area locking, and timing, you lot can basically throw the prism, unleash the VarSword shockwave, and win against the boss without much endeavor.
Battle Network iii
- Folder Back from Battle Network iii Blue returns every chip to your folder, including itself. It too functions as a Full Custom, restoring the turn gauge so you tin instantly pick your freshly recycled fries and continue your assault. And it's got the * lawmaking, which means it goes in everything. Binder Back becomes available as before long as the histrion gets free admission to Hades Isle, which requires clearing the Desertman scenario, and obtaining 200 Bugfrags — which are easy to farm in this game.
- Navi Recycle from the White version replicates whichever Navi chip was used final. This includes Giga Chips like Serenade and Bass, though Navi Recycle comes with the added benefit of not requiring a a Hole panel on the field in order to be activated. Even meliorate, information technology keeps any set on bonuses you had when yous used the get-go chip.
- B, E, F and P codes are very strong in this game, mainly due to the strong chips and Programme Advances at their disposal:
- B code has the multi-hitting BubbleMan series, which deals massive impairment on its own and can be further additional with fries similar Aqua+30 and Navi+xx. In improver, in that location is the Double Hero PA, which hits the entire enemy field for 700 impairment full.
- E code has Sanctuary note Turns your field into harm-halving Holy Panels, Sensor 3, Variable Sword, the Bulwark 500 PA, Chimera Spread, Life Sword and Lance, along with several surface area-stealing chips to support the strategy.
- F code has FlashMan note Hits everywhere, pierces guards, paralyzes and bypasses Mercy Invincibility and the powerful Hyper Ratton Programme Advance.
- P code has access to PlantMan note Multi-hitting, guard-piercing and stuns affected targets for a few seconds and the components of Evil Cut notation Does a full of 600 damage if all hits connect, and its component chips are respectably powerful and Chemical element Sword note Hits with all 4 elements, doing a total of 750 harm to anyone with an elemental weakness.
- Wood Style heals the user while continuing on Grass panels; the Undershirt program bestows a reuseable Last Run a risk Hit Point; and SetGreen makes the battle stage commencement off as Grass panels. Against non-fire enemies and enemies who cannot crack flooring panels — which includes the non-secret last boss — this is unbeatable and uncomplicated.
- Variable Sword merely does 160 damage, but with the correct button combo, this can exist turned into four shockwaves, ane in each element, which meant that if your opponent had any sort of elemental affinity, it would do an easy 800 damage (160 10 5) without boosts. Information technology's likewise a standard chip, significant that you could have up to four copies of information technology in your folder.
- The Sensor fries summon a Killer Center that checks all panels in a straight line ahead of y'all (or diagonally, if the chip is activated in the upper or bottom panels). If it spots an enemy, it fires a beam that pierces Mercy Invincibility, stuns the victim and breaks obstacles. Hit the opponent while they are paralyzed will cause them to flinch, enabling the Killer Eye to fire again and stunlock them. Since the beam is of the Elec element, it tin can also be supplemented with Ice Stage to double the harm.
- The Meteor chip causes 30 meteors to pelting down the enemy expanse, dealing 40 impairment per hit. If the opponent is locked to a single panel, they will be hit past all 30 meteors, for a total 1200 harm. By stacking assail-boosting chips, Meteor can instantly impale even the Bonus Bosses.
- One of the Actress Folders y'all tin can obtain in-game has fries that create holes on the field, allowing you to abuse Serpent, a watered downwardly (merely however pretty powerful) counterpart to SnakeMan from the second game. Ophidian deals decent damage and doesn't cause Mercy Invincibility, and then you can chain multiples of them in quick succession. Said Extra Binder is pretty powerful on its own and is usually recommended for tackling the game's Time Trials.
- The Shield/Reflector programs can be spammed with a little practice and some rhythm, leaving MegaMan invulnerable to most attacks. Though Shield only causes attacks to bounce off, Reflect sends all harm back to the entire row if information technology'south striking. This was nerfed in later games every bit they added a cooldown time to the shield, reduced the power of Reflect, and breaking attacks (which shields couldn't block) became much more common.
- Geddon iii makes the entire field poison, Sanctuary turns all of your panels into half-damage safe zones, and Life Aura makes you allowed to whatever damage that's not 200 or more (now 400 cheers to Sanctuary). With this setup, even the extra-powerful clandestine boss Serenade becomes a simple matter of patience.
- The gambling Navis in the Scilab Vending Comp, DNN Door Panel Comp and Infirmary Vending Comp go this in the Virtual Panel version, as said version contains what amounts to a Savestate organisation, enabling Relieve Scumming. As long equally the histrion avoids cleaning out said Navis entirely, they can get 64,000 Zenny per repetition from the Hospital Vending Comp Navi.
Battle Network 4
- The light path perk in Battle Network 4 is unremarkably considered to be the most broken passive effect in the entire series. Full Synchro, ordinarily a condition result that is accomplished through counter hits, doubles the assault power of your next chip. The light path perk gives yous a rather loftier gamble to enter Full Synchro with any successful assault, counter hit or non. This, when used forth with chained multi-striking battle chips, can nearly immediately destroy any boss that is not immune to being stunned. So cleaved that the perk was completely removed in the fifth game.
- The Air Hockey series of battle fries takes advantage of this perk the near. You know information technology's cleaved when even the Bonus Boss easily falls to this
. That's 3000+ damage in under 11 seconds with no Program Accelerate in sight. Even BassXX (the STRONGEST form of Bass, only attainable via e-reader, hacking or playing the Wii U re-release which allows you to bring him out without any of the previous two methods) can be defeated in less than x seconds with this pull a fast one on, all with simply 4 Air Hockey chips and Surface area Grab.
- With the introduction of the Emotion Window comes the Humour bug. By bugging the Sense of humour plan, Megaman constantly shifts betwixt moods every couple seconds. While tired and normal are the almost mutual, he enters Aroused and Full Synchro fairly oftentimes, allowing a player to exclusively use fries at double strength if they're patient and have good aligning/spacing for chips that require it.
- Whorl Soul. Megaman's Accuse Shot becomes Roll Arrow, a weak projectile that, on striking, destroys any battle chips the opponent has stocked. While this ability is already pretty good on New Game+ when y'all get-go fighting viruses with Boxing Chips, it's really a gamebreaker in PVP because the ability to erase an entire hand of attacks from your Charge Shot greatly tips the fight in your favor. The other very powerful perk about Coil Soul is that every Boxing Scrap Megaman uses heals 10% of his max wellness, allowing him MUCH more staying power in any fight, both single-player and multi-player. Curl Soul is so problematic that many tournaments banned it outright, and the adjacent Healing-based transformation introduced in Battle Network 5 took a significantly different arroyo that was harder to abuse.
Battle Network 5 and Double Team DS
- The Django SP chip, available via a bit trader code as shortly as the Numberman Trader is bachelor. Drops a bury on the start enemy in forepart of Mega Human being's row, then zaps them and all eight squares effectually them for 150 impairment that pierces guards, breaks rocks, ignores in-battle GMDs, and against Darkloid bosses inflicts a permanent HP bleed for the rest of the battle. Presuming y'all can ready information technology upwards to hit all enemies, which is frequently easy, Django will cease well-nigh random battles in one shot until you get to the terminal dungeon.
- MegaMan can enter Anarchy Unison past sacrificing Nighttime Chips for a Soul Unison. The transformation causes MegaMan's Charge Shot to rapidly cycle betwixt purple and green states. Releasing the charge when information technology's green cancels the Chaos Unison and spawns an invincible DarkMega on the opponent'south side of the field, but releasing the charge while it's purple activates the Night Bit'south effect with no ill consequences. Though this mechanic is meant to encourage high-take chances/high-advantage gameplay, the benign outcome can be reliably achieved through Pause Scumming.
- Proto Anarchy and Toad Anarchy are a 400 impairment BFS and a 300 damage BFG that wipes the entire field, respectively. Both make it extremely like shooting fish in a barrel to S rank most random encounters.
- Shadow Anarchy's Charge attack, DarkInvis, causes Mega to go berserk, turning him invincible and enabling him to apply any chip or Plan Advance that has been activated in that relieve file. It's generally regarded as the cheapest attack in the franchise, and banned from tournament play as a result.
- Search Anarchy uses Dark Circle, which hits seven panels for 300 damage. With a single Expanse Take hold of, Search Anarchy's charge shot is unavoidable.
- Number Chaos has Nighttime Plus, which makes the next flake attack bargain 50 extra damage. This makes multi-hit attacks extremely powerful: The Super Vulcan mega scrap at present deals 720 harm, and the Infinite Vulcan Program Advance note Which normally cannot be boosted due to how the PA is formed tin practice 1680.
- The S lawmaking (especially in Team Colonel) is notorious for being rich in applied chips with respectable power, such as the components of the Life Sword, Big Noise and Wild Bird Program Advances, forth with Air Hockey and Super Vulcan chips.
- The Gyroman line of chips normally bombs every enemy panel on the same row, but by holding Fifty + R buttons, information technology will instead focus all the bombs it would drop across the row onto the closest enemy in that row. Normally this results in iii hits, just if you activate it on a row with more than enemy panels, this combo will bargain more than hits on a single enemy. This beliefs synergizes perfectly with Colour/Double Point as the panels you've given up also make Gyroman land more than hits, each of them boosted. A maxed-out Gyroman SP has a base damage of 140, and if you combine information technology with Double Indicate, Atk+30, and Navi+xx he'll hitting 4 times for 250 impairment each. Under the effects of Full Synchro or any other damage-doubling issue, that totals 2000 damage which is enough to take out most bosses in one go!
- ProtoSoul in Team Protoman is ridiculous. Its main assets (reflecting shield, charge swords for double strength) have non changed from Battle Network 4, but its power comes from a drove of fries that can maximize its potential. Area Grab, Wide Bract, Long Blade, and Moonblade iii all share a mutual code (L), so information technology's piece of cake to make a folder based around slipping on ProtoSoul, area-locking enemies, and slicing them to ribbons.
- Double Team DS includes several bonuses if you happen to own previous Battle Network games and slot them into the DS' second slot. The biggest bonus applies if yous have a GBA version of Battle Network v inserted - you lot become to use the GBA game'due south agile folder as your Extra Folder. This non only makes Library completion much quicker, but you can potentially use an endgame folder right near the beginning of the game.
Battle Network six
- Three of the almost basic and mutual chips in the game and a couple of attack enhancers are pretty much all you lot need to steamroll through it: Reflector blocks most attacks while instantly hitting the unabridged row with a beam (and can deliver some easy counter hits). Mach Gun sets a crosshair that moves upwardly and down from the bottom of the column with the nearest enemy and hits viruses 3 or more times, which tends to outclass Vulcan chips in performance. Arrow Railroad train creates a line of arrows between you and the enemy. Its ability can exist doubled past Spout Cross. Both their first and second versions share a code, maintaining their relevance by the end of the game. Fifty-fifty the third version of each can be prepare together, though it is unfortunately a lot more than tricky to collect those.
- The game is all besides happy to hand the thespian *-coded chips if they know where to look. The beginning usually observed instance of this behaviour? Finding the components to Life Sword * past the second dungeon.
- Three Navi fries in this series become quick competitive staples, mainly because the histrion can obtain them in *-code to throw them into whatsoever folder they desire.
- JudgeMan's whip bypasses Mercy Invincibility and paralyzes its targets. If the player has less than their default 9 movement squares, JudgeMan also summons books for each missing panel, doing more damage and restoring lost space, thus serving equally a counter to the ever-ubiquitous Surface area Take hold of.
- EraseMan has much longer range than JudgeMan'southward whip, and it besides bypasses Mercy Invincibility and paralyzes its targets. If it connects, information technology also destroys the opponent's "Anti-" scrap if they accept i active.
- ElementMan instead has sheer utility. It has four dissimilar attacks, one for each of the "classic" elements, each ane having a unlike issue. Fire launches a meteorite at the opponent which is guaranteed to hitting, making it always reliable damage. Forest turns all the panels into grass, dandy for immigration upwards poison panels and holes on your side of the field, or for getting rid of your opponent'south holy panels. And Aqua freezes the opponent if it makes contact, giving you an opportunity to grab your breath and prepare a combo, especially with Breaking chips that deal double damage to frozen opponents. Elec usually doesn't see much apply due to the difficulty in aiming information technology, though even that has a bit of utility in its ability to destroy panels. Merely because you have access to four different elements in a unmarried fleck, you can essentially striking the weaknesses of (and cancel) half the game'due south available Crosses with the right positioning and timing.
- What the game doesn't straight tell you is that you tin can at present place Navi Customizer parts exterior the main area of the Navicust. The condition is that yous need at least 1 square of the program all the same in the main surface area, and it volition cause bugs (a problem easily remedied with Issues Finish), just proper planning lets you work with most double the infinite of previous fully-expanded Navi Customizers.
- The Animate being Out transformation stands out amid all the transformations between the latter 3 games of the series, mainly because the player can still enter Full Synchro while under this transformation, in addition to all the upsides it grants. notation Bass Cross and Sol Cantankerous in the 5th game could also do the same, but those transformations need external assistance to access. The Silver Bullet combo, detailed all the way at the top of this page, shines even stronger due to the transformation'due south innate +xxx assail to neutral chips and auto-targeting reducing the need to aim.
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